Sort in Ascending order, traverse using two pointers by binary search and store the answer in a mutable array to solve "18. 4Sum"
Sort in Ascending order, traverse using two pointers by binary search and store the answer in a mutable array to solve "18. 4Sum"
Using recursive function inside to make a Depth fisrt search, visiting the outer variable, solving the "979. Distribute Coins in Binary Tree".
Using recursive function inside to make a Depth fisrt search, visiting the outer variable, solving the "979. Distribute Coins in Binary Tree".
Dynamic Programming Algorithm with Space Compression Optimization and different ways to shallow copy a array list
Using dynamic programming algorithm with space compression optimization and different ways to shallow copy a Array List, solving the "931. Minimum Falling Path Sum"
Dynamic Programming Algorithm With Space Compression Optimization to solve "1911. Maximum Alternating Subsequence Sum"
Using dynamic programming algorithm with space compression optimization to solve the "1911. Maximum Alternating Subsequence Sum" problem.
Using sort and Priority Queue to solve '2679. Sum in a Matrix'
Using sort by descending order and ascending order and Priority Queue based on max heap and min heap to solve '2679. Sum in a Matrix'.
Reverse 2 LinkedLists, sum them together, solving problems '2. Add Two Numbers' , '206. Reverse Linked List' and '445. Add Two Numbers II'
reverse two LinkedLists and sum them together, let's solve the problems '2. Add Two Numbers' , '206. Reverse Linked List' and '445. Add Two Numbers II'
A simple and efficient way to check Toeplitz matrix which always has the same row and column along its main diagonal
How to check if a special Toeplitz matrix, which has the same row and column along its main diagonal, is symmetric along its main diagonal using a simple and efficient method?
Greedy algorithm to solve - 1253. Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix
Using greedy algorithm to solve the problem <1253. Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix>.
自定义排序区间,求解《252. 会议室》
自定义排序区间,求解《252. 会议室》
遍历字符串,获取字符串长度,判断字符串是否为纯数字,字符串转数字,求解《2496. 数组中字符串的最大值》和《657. 机器人能否返回原点》
遍历字符串,获取字符串长度,判断字符串是否为纯数字,字符串转数字,求解《2496. 数组中字符串的最大值》和《657. 机器人能否返回原点》