双哈希表,求解《890. 查找和替换模式》


890. 查找和替换模式

你有一个单词列表 words 和一个模式 pattern,你想知道 words 中的哪些单词与模式匹配。
如果存在字母的排列 p ,使得将模式中的每个字母 x 替换为 p(x) 之后,我们就得到了所需的单词,那么单词与模式是匹配的。
返回 words 中与给定模式匹配的单词列表。



var findAndReplacePattern = function(words, pattern) { // Map 实现
  const r = []
  label: for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    const wMap = new Map, pMap = new Map 
    const word = words[i]
    for (let j = 0; j < pattern.length; j++) {
      const w = word[j], p = pattern[j]
      if (pMap.has(p) == false && wMap.has(w) == false) {
        pMap.set(p, w)
        wMap.set(w, p)
      } else if (pMap.get(p) !== w || wMap.get(w) !== p) continue label
  return r
var findAndReplacePattern = function(words, pattern) { // Objcect 实现
  const r = []
  label: for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    const wMap = Object.create(null), pMap = Object.create(null)
    const word = words[i]
    for (let j = 0; j < pattern.length; j++) {
      const w = word[j], p = pattern[j]
      if (pMap[p] === void 0 && wMap[w] === void 0) {
        pMap[p] = w
        wMap[w] = p
      } else if (pMap[p] !== w || wMap[w] !== p) continue label
  return r
var findAndReplacePattern = function(words, pattern) { // Uint8Array 同构数组实现
  const r = []
  label: for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    const wMap = new Uint8Array(27), pMap = new Uint8Array(27)
    const word = words[i]
    for (let j = 0; j < pattern.length; j++) {
      const w = word.charCodeAt(j) - 96, p = pattern.charCodeAt(j) - 96
      if (pMap[p] === 0 && wMap[w] === 0) {
        pMap[p] = w
        wMap[w] = p
      } else if (pMap[p] !== w || wMap[w] !== p) continue label
  return r
function findAndReplacePattern(words: string[], pattern: string): string[] {
  const r: string[] = []
  label: for (let i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
    const wMap = new Uint8Array(27), pMap = new Uint8Array(27)
    const word = words[i]
    for (let j = 0; j < pattern.length; j++) {
      const w = word.charCodeAt(j) - 96, p = pattern.charCodeAt(j) - 96
      if (wMap[w] === 0 && pMap[p] === 0) {
        wMap[w] = p
        pMap[p] = w
      } else if (wMap[w] !== p || pMap[p] !== w) continue label
  return r
class Solution {
  public List<String> findAndReplacePattern(String[] words, String pattern) { // HashMap 实现
    List<String> r = new ArrayList<String>();
    label: for (String word: words) {
      HashMap<Character, Character> pMap = new HashMap<Character, Character>();
      HashMap<Character, Character> wMap = new HashMap<Character, Character>();
      int n = pattern.length();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        char p = pattern.charAt(i), w = word.charAt(i);
        if (pMap.containsKey(p) == false && wMap.containsKey(w) == false) {
          pMap.put(p, w);
          wMap.put(w, p);
        } else if (pMap.containsKey(p) && pMap.get(p) != w || wMap.containsKey(w) && wMap.get(w) != p) continue label;
    return r;
class Solution {
  public List<String> findAndReplacePattern(String[] words, String pattern) { // int[] 实现
    List<String> r = new ArrayList<String>();
    label: for (String word: words) {
      int[] pMap = new int[27];
      int[] wMap = new int[27];
      int n = pattern.length();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int p = pattern.charAt(i) - 96, w = word.charAt(i) - 96;
        if (pMap[p] == 0 && wMap[w] == 0) {
          pMap[p] = w;
          wMap[w] = p;
        } else if (pMap[p] != w || wMap[w] != p) continue label;
    return r;
func findAndReplacePattern(words []string, pattern string) []string { // []int 实现
  var r []string
  label: for _, word := range words {
    pMap, wMap := make([]int, 27), make([]int, 27)
    for i, _ := range pattern {
      p, w := int(pattern[i]) - 96, int(word[i]) - 96
      if pMap[p] == 0 && wMap[w] == 0 {
        pMap[p] = w
        wMap[w] = p
      } else if pMap[p] != w || wMap[w] != p {
        continue label
    r = append(r, word)
  return r
func findAndReplacePattern(words []string, pattern string) []string { // []byte 实现
  var r []string
  label: for _, word := range words {
    pMap, wMap := make([]byte, 27), make([]byte, 27)
    for i, _ := range pattern {
      p, w := pattern[i] - 96, word[i] - 96
      if pMap[p] == 0 && wMap[w] == 0 {
        pMap[p] = w
        wMap[w] = p
      } else if pMap[p] != w || wMap[w] != p {
        continue label
    r = append(r, word)
  return r
class Solution:
  def findAndReplacePattern(self, words: List[str], pattern: str) -> List[str]: # Dict 实现
    r = []
    for word in words:
      pMap, wMap, isVaild = {}, {}, True
      for i, p in enumerate(pattern):
        w, p = word[i], pattern[i]
        if p not in pMap and w not in wMap:
          pMap[p] = w
          wMap[w] = p
        elif p in pMap and pMap[p] != w or w in wMap and wMap[w] != p:
          isVaild = False
      if isVaild: r.append(word)
    return r
class Solution:
  def findAndReplacePattern(self, words: List[str], pattern: str) -> List[str]: # Dict + filter 实现
    def match(word: List[str]) -> bool:
      wMap, pMap = {}, {}
      for w, p in zip(word, pattern):
        if w not in wMap: wMap[w] = p
        if p not in pMap: pMap[p] = w
        if (wMap[w], pMap[p]) != (p, w): return False
      return True
    return list(filter(match, words))
class Solution {
  function findAndReplacePattern($words, $pattern) {
    $r = array();
    foreach($words as $word) {
      $pMap = array_fill(0, 27, 0);
      $wMap = array_fill(0, 27, 0);
      for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($pattern); $i++) {
        $w = ord($word[$i]) - 96;
        $p = ord($pattern[$i]) - 96;
        if ($pMap[$p] === 0) $pMap[$p] = $w;
        if ($wMap[$w] === 0) $wMap[$w] = $p;
        if ($pMap[$p] !== $w || $wMap[$w] !== $p) continue 2;
      $r []= $word;
    return $r;

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