回溯 + 动态规划(掩码 · 状态压缩):2 方法求解《473. 火柴拼正方形》

2022-06-01 18:55:44
回溯 + 动态规划(掩码 · 状态压缩),2 方法求解《473. 火柴拼正方形》


473. 火柴拼正方形

你将得到一个整数数组 matchsticks ,其中 matchsticks[i] 是第 i 个火柴棒的长度。你要用 所有的火柴棍 拼成一个正方形。你 不能折断 任何一根火柴棒,但你可以把它们连在一起,而且每根火柴棒必须 使用一次 。
如果你能使这个正方形,则返回 true ,否则返回 false 。

示例1 :
输入: matchsticks = [1,1,2,2,2]
输出: true
解释: 能拼成一个边长为2的正方形,每边两根火柴。


回溯 · 递归

var makesquare = function(matchsticks) {
  const n = matchsticks.length, sum = _.sum(matchsticks)
  if (sum % 4 !== 0) return false
  matchsticks.sort((a, b) => b - a)
  const edges = new Uint32Array(4), edge = sum / 4
  const d = (i, start) => {
    if (i === n) return true
    for (let j = start; j < 4; j++) {
      edges[j] += matchsticks[i]
      if (edges[j] <= edge && d(i + 1, start + (edges[j] === edge & 1)) === true) return true
      edges[j] -= matchsticks[i]
    return false
  return d(0, 0)
function makesquare(matchsticks: number[]): boolean {
  const sum = matchsticks.reduce((p, v) => p + v)
  if (sum % 4 !== 0) return false
  const edges = new Uint32Array(4), edge = sum / 4, n = matchsticks.length
  matchsticks.sort((a, b) => b - a)
  const d = (i, start) => {
    if (i === n) return true
    for (let j = start; j < 4; j++) {
      edges[j] += matchsticks[i]
      if (edges[j] <= edge && d(i + 1, start + +(edges[j] === edge)) === true) return true
      edges[j] -= matchsticks[i]
    return false
  return d(0, 0)
class Solution {
  private $n = 0;
  private $edge = 0;
  private $edges = array();
  function makesquare($matchsticks) {
    $sum = array_sum($matchsticks);
    if ($sum % 4 !== 0) return false;
    $this->edge = $sum / 4;
    $this->n = count($matchsticks);
    $this->edges = array_fill(0, 4, 0);
    usort($matchsticks, function ($a, $b) {
      return $a < $b;
    return $this->d(0, 0, $matchsticks);
  function d($i, $start, &$matchsticks) {
    if ($i === $this->n) return true;
    for ($j = $start; $j < 4; $j++) {
      $this->edges[$j] += $matchsticks[$i];
      if ($this->edges[$j] <= $this->edge && $this->d($i + 1, $start + +($this->edges[$j] === $this->edge), $matchsticks) === true) return true;
      $this->edges[$j] -= $matchsticks[$i];
    return false;
func makesquare(matchsticks []int) bool {
  sum := 0
  for _, matchstick := range matchsticks {
    sum += matchstick
  if sum % 4 != 0 {
    return false
  sort.SliceStable(matchsticks, func(i, j int) bool {
    return matchsticks[i] > matchsticks[j]
  edge, n, edges := sum / 4, len(matchsticks), [4]int{}
  var d func(i, start int) bool
  d = func(i, start int) bool {
    if i == n {
      return true
    for j := start; j < 4; j++ {
      edges[j] += matchsticks[i]
      k := 0
      if edges[j] == edge {
        k = 1
      if edges[j] <= edge && d(i + 1, start + k) {
        return true
      edges[j] -= matchsticks[i]
    return false
  return d(0, 0)
class Solution {
  private int n = 0;
  private int edge = 0;
  private int[] edges = new int[4];
  public boolean makesquare(int[] matchsticks) {
    int sum = Arrays.stream(matchsticks).sum();
    if (sum % 4 != 0) return false;
    edge = sum / 4;
    n = matchsticks.length;
    for (int i = 0, j = n - 1; i < j; i++, j--) {
      int t = matchsticks[i];
      matchsticks[i] = matchsticks[j];
      matchsticks[j] = t;
    return d(0, 0, matchsticks);
  public boolean d(int i, int start, int[] matchsticks) {
    if (i == n) return true;
    for (int j = start; j < 4; j++) {
      edges[j] += matchsticks[i];
      if (edges[j] <= edge && d(i + 1, start + (edges[j] == edge ? 1 : 0), matchsticks) == true) return true;
      edges[j] -= matchsticks[i];
    return false;
class Solution:
  def makesquare(self, matchsticks: List[int]) -> bool:
    total = sum(matchsticks)
    if total % 4 != 0: return False
    matchsticks.sort(reverse = True)
    edge, edges, n = total / 4, [0] * 4, len(matchsticks)
    def d(i, start):
      if i == n: return True
      for j in range(start, 4):
        edges[j] += matchsticks[i]
        if edges[j] <= edge and d(i + 1, start + int(edges[j] == edge)): return True
        edges[j] -= matchsticks[i]
      return False
    return d(0, 0)

动态规划 · 掩码

var makesquare = function(matchsticks) {
  const n = matchsticks.length, sum = _.sum(matchsticks)
  if (sum % 4 !== 0) return false
  const edge = sum / 4, maxMask = 1 << n, dp = new Array(maxMask).fill(-1)
  dp[0] = 0
  for (let mask = 1; mask < maxMask; mask++) {
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      const b = 1 << i
      if (b > mask) break
      if (mask & b === 0) continue
      const maskPrev = mask & ~b
      if (dp[maskPrev] >= 0 && dp[maskPrev] + matchsticks[i] <= edge) {
        dp[mask] = (dp[maskPrev] + matchsticks[i]) % edge 
  return dp[maxMask - 1] === 0
function makesquare(matchsticks: number[]): boolean {
  const sum = matchsticks.reduce((p, v) => p + v)
  if (sum % 4 !== 0) return false
  const edge = sum / 4, n = matchsticks.length, maxMask = 1 << n, dp = new Array(maxMask).fill(-1)
  dp[0] = 0
  for (let mask = 1; mask < maxMask; mask++) {
    for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      const b = 1 << i
      if (b > mask) break
      if ((b & mask) === 0) continue
      const prevMask = mask & ~b
      if (dp[prevMask] >= 0 && dp[prevMask] + matchsticks[i] <= edge) {
        dp[mask] = (dp[prevMask] + matchsticks[i]) % edge
  return dp[maxMask - 1] === 0
class Solution {
  function makesquare($matchsticks) {
    $sum = array_sum($matchsticks);
    if ($sum % 4 !== 0) return false;
    $edge = $sum / 4;
    $n = count($matchsticks);
    $maxMask = 1 << $n;
    $dp = array_fill(0, $maxMask - 1, -1);
    $dp[0] = 0;
    for ($mask = 1; $mask < $maxMask; $mask++) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
        $b = 1 << $i;
        if ($b > $mask) break;
        if ($b & $mask === 0) continue;
        $preMask = $mask & ~$b;
        if ($dp[$preMask] >= 0 && $dp[$preMask] + $matchsticks[$i] <= $edge) {
          $dp[$mask] = ($dp[$preMask] + $matchsticks[$i]) % $edge;
    return $dp[$maxMask - 1] === 0;
func makesquare(matchsticks []int) bool {
  sum := 0
  for _, matchstick := range matchsticks {
    sum += matchstick
  if sum % 4 != 0 {
    return false
  edge, n := sum / 4, len(matchsticks)
  maxMask := 1 << n
  dp := make([]int, maxMask)
  for i := 1; i < maxMask; i++ {
    dp[i] = -1
  for mask := 0; mask < maxMask; mask++ {
    for i, v := range matchsticks {
      b := 1 << i
      if b > mask {
      if b & mask == 0 {
      prevMask := mask & ^b
      if dp[prevMask] >= 0 && dp[prevMask] + v <= edge {
        dp[mask] = (dp[prevMask] + v) % edge
  return dp[maxMask - 1] == 0
class Solution {
  public boolean makesquare(int[] matchsticks) {
    int sum = Arrays.stream(matchsticks).sum();
    if (sum % 4 != 0) return false;
    int edge = sum / 4;
    int n = matchsticks.length;
    int maxMask = 1 << n;
    int[] dp = new int[maxMask];
    Arrays.fill(dp, -1);
    dp[0] = 0;
    for (int mask = 1; mask < maxMask; mask++) {
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int b = 1 << i;
        if (b > mask) break;
        if ((b & mask) == 0) continue;
        int preMask = mask & ~b;
        if (dp[preMask] >= 0 && dp[preMask] + matchsticks[i] <= edge) {
          dp[mask] = (dp[preMask] + matchsticks[i]) % edge;
    return dp[maxMask - 1] == 0; 
class Solution:
  def makesquare(self, matchsticks: List[int]) -> bool:
    total = sum(matchsticks)
    if total % 4 != 0: return False
    edge, n = total / 4, len(matchsticks)
    maxMask = 1 << n
    dp = [-1] * maxMask
    dp[0] = 0
    for mask in range(1, maxMask):
      for i, v in enumerate(matchsticks):
        b = 1 << i
        if b > mask: break
        if b & mask == 0: continue
        prevMask = mask & ~b
        if dp[prevMask] >= 0 and dp[prevMask] + v <= edge:
          dp[mask] = (dp[prevMask] + v) % edge
    return dp[maxMask - 1] == 0

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