Sort in Ascending order, traverse using two pointers by binary search and store the answer in a mutable array to solve "18. 4Sum"
Sort in Ascending order, traverse using two pointers by binary search and store the answer in a mutable array to solve "18. 4Sum"
Using recursive function inside to make a Depth fisrt search, visiting the outer variable, solving the "979. Distribute Coins in Binary Tree".
Using recursive function inside to make a Depth fisrt search, visiting the outer variable, solving the "979. Distribute Coins in Binary Tree".
Dynamic Programming Algorithm with Space Compression Optimization and different ways to shallow copy a array list
Using dynamic programming algorithm with space compression optimization and different ways to shallow copy a Array List, solving the "931. Minimum Falling Path Sum"
Dynamic Programming Algorithm With Space Compression Optimization to solve "1911. Maximum Alternating Subsequence Sum"
Using dynamic programming algorithm with space compression optimization to solve the "1911. Maximum Alternating Subsequence Sum" problem.
Greedy algorithm to solve - 1253. Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix
Using greedy algorithm to solve the problem <1253. Reconstruct a 2-Row Binary Matrix>.
动态规划 + 状态压缩 + bitCount 统计二进制 1 个数,求解《1681. 最小不兼容性》
Go / Java / C# / C / C++ / Python / PHP 内置 bitCount,动态规划 + 状态压缩,求解《1681. 最小不兼容性》
动态规划,求解《940. 不同的子序列 II》
动态规划,求解《940. 不同的子序列 II》
贪心算法,求解《769. 最多能完成排序的块》
贪心算法,求解《769. 最多能完成排序的块》
动态规划,求解《801. 使序列递增的最小交换次数》
动态规划,求解《801. 使序列递增的最小交换次数》
递归,分治,栈,顺序遍历深度,4 解法求解《856. 括号的分数》
递归,分治,栈,顺序遍历深度,4 解法求解《856. 括号的分数》